Paceline Wealth Management conducts educational seminars to share knowledge with the public across a broad range of topics relating to personal finance and financial wellness. Please contact us if you have a worksite or audience that could benefit from a seminar.

Taking Stock of Your Stock

Stock-based compensation is one of the key reasons that many people join technology and biopharma firms, yet many people find it difficult to understand the value of what they are being offered in a compensation package. Here, we discuss some of the key aspects of employer stock including: why it is offered by employers, the main types of employer stock, differences in private and public company stock, vesting structures, and valuation concepts.

This seminar is relevant to: startup and public company professionals and executives, and executive recruiters who place them

Navigating The Path to Financial Success

Achieving long-term financial success is about more than just saving money.  It takes planning, knowledge, and the ability to decipher the often-complex language of finance.  In this seminar, we’ll provide an easy-to-understand framework for balancing competing financial priorities, such as repaying debt while saving, or balancing the need for investment income while preserving your wealth in retirement. And finally, you’ll learn how to avoid common investment mistakes as well as how changing market dynamics like rising interest rates affect people in all stages of their financial life.

This seminar is relevant to: all audiences, covering a broad array of financial wellness topics